March Officer’s Meeting Minutes
Tuesday September 25th
Ruby Nugent (Anschutz Campus)
Camila Alire (Dean Emeritus), Orlando Archibeque (Auraria Library), Dustin Goforth (Aurora Library),
I. Mini-Conference Planning
a. Flyers and PR is done. The Marketing has been sent out. Another follow-up will be sent
b. Karen Alfino has made the call for volunteers (thank you!)
c. Viviana and Robin have put together directions to the event on the website.
d. IT will be handled by Nate on the day of the event. There will not be an electronic option
e. We are going to try to put out a schedule so that everyone knows what time every
f. Dustin will begin to contact those with programs to determine seating arrangements
g. We have received a $100 anonymous grant to allow those unable to pay the fee for
closer to the date. this time for the conference program will be shortly
the conference to come to the conference. We will send it out soon via the REFORMA
listserv. Please spread this out amongst others; this can be a great opportunity to
invite other people into REFORMA and see the benefits of membership. THANK YOU
II. The Website is up. The new link for the website is
a. Our previous site-administrator GoDaddy will no longer be needed. We will see if we
III. Update on the Tax Issue
a. There isn’t much to report at this time
b. The chapter will be incurring a $400 penalty unfortunately for the oversight, but we are
c. Current funds have been dispersed to REFORMA National until the error can be fixed
IV. Other Updates
a. Teen lit-Conference
can retrieve the backed-up zip files from the prior website
still in good shape
a. The exhibitors are going to be Cecilia Hem Lee and Deborah Dauenheimer.
b. We are working on the poster board to show off the scholarship winners.
c. Cecilia and Deborah will take a picture with the kids that won the scholarship so
we can post it to our website and also send it out to REFORMA National
b. The next Officers Meeting has been scheduled for May 27th
c. The next Membership meeting will be held at the Anschutz Campus on June 17th
10-12. We are going to try and have CLLARO (Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy, and
Research Organization) come to present at the meeting.