2013 Meeting Notes December

December Holiday Notes

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

11:00 am  – 1:00 pm

Rosa Linda’s Mexican Cafe, Denver CO

Submitted by: Dustin Goforth, REFORMA Secretary/Historian


Total Attendance of Membership: 5

Members in attendance: Dustin Goforth (Aurora Public Library), Karen Alfino (founder STEMgirls), Beth Crist (Colorado State Library), Jimena Sagaz (Colorado State University Libraries), Viviana Castillas (Denver Public Library)

  1. Introduction of attendees
  2. Presentation of STEMgirls by Karen Alfino

Karen gave a wonderful presentation on how she came into the idea of developing STEMgirls for the public. It is a program meant to teach girls about mathematics, science, and technology while getting them interested and excited about it. Karen is hoping to branch out her programs to include a number of libraries and help to get girls encouraged about Math.


One of her highlighted programs mentioned were the TSA labs (Take Stuff Apart) that gave girls a chance to look at the inner workings on mechanical devices. After the group has been given a chance to record the parts found inside the machine, it is usually ended with a mentor coming to speak with the girls via in person or Skype. These mentors are women usually in the IT industry and even a couple from NASA.


  1. After the presentation, everyone continued to speak for a while about the presentation, as well as other things that are going on with each other in the library world.
  2. Before everyone said their goodbyes, there was a small white elephant gift exchange. Thanks to everyone who attended and thanks again for Karen for the presentation. I hope everyone had a great holiday season!!!